Draga tumblr: Interzicerea „Continutului pentru adulti†nu va va imbunatati site-ul, dar va dauna comunitatilor sexuale
Platforma de socializare tumblr a anuntat interzicerea asa-numitului "continut pentru adulti", o mutare facuta, se pare, ca reactie la faptul ca aplicatia tumblr este eliminata din magazinul de aplicatii Apple. Dar, in timp ce face ca aplicatia sa fie mai disponibila, in teorie este buna pentru utilizatorii tumblr, in practica, ceea ce urmeaza sa se intample este cenzurarea in masa a comunitatilor care au facut din tumblr o
Sarah T Roberts, an expert on content moderation, said: "It's one thing when you're a small online community with a group of people who share principles and values, but when you have a large percentage of the world's population and say 'share yourself',
"Then when you monetise that practice you are entering a disaster situation. " Facebook has consistently struggled to assess the news or "awareness" value of violent imagery. While the company recently faced harsh criticism for failing to remove videos of Robert Godwin being killed in the US and of a father killing his child in Thailand, the platform has also played an important role in disseminating videos of police killings and other government abuses.
Nu stim sigur daca tumblr a luat aceasta decizie finala sub presiunea Apple, sau pentru ca platforma a considerat ca nu poate modera competenta platformei mai mult.
Dar decizia de a scapa de comertul cu ridicata al continutului adultilor este in concordanta atat cu corporatizarea, cat si cu igienizarea internetului pe care Apple a condus-o. Citeste mai mult: Lucratorii sexuali au pionierat pe internetul timpuriu - si i-au insurubat Decizia lui tumblr este si mai dezamagitoare, deoarece este evident in explicatia lui D'Onofrio ca conducerea tumblr nu intelege rolul important pe care tumblr
" Indeed, the Internet is full of porn, the overwhelming majority of which caters to heterosexual men.
But on tumblr, people created sex-positive spaces on tumblr that don't exist elsewhere. People created portfolios of their work, all of it, on the platform. Those spaces are going to vanish. A business decision? Three paragraphs into his better, more positive manifesto, D'Onofrio states "posting anything that is harmful to minors, including child pornography, is abhorrent and has no place in our community.
We've always had and always will have a zero tolerance policy for this type of content" and asks that no one confuse that with this new policy.
Child exploitation imagery is both vile and illegal, and the fact that tumblr apparently wasn't eliminating it shows that it needed to hire people to enforce its existing policy, not outsource the job to algorithms. So why create this new, wholesale ban? It's impossible to divorce the new policy from the fact that, just a month prior to the announcement, tumblr disappeared from the Apple App Store.
12. Cu cine ai si nu ai avut experiente sexuale sau romantice, nu are nicio influenta asupra sexualitatii tale. sheekeepsmewarm.tumblr. com / Via sheekeepsmewarm.tumblr. com Poti fi o femeie neobisnuita, care a fost doar cu baieti sau un tip gay care ocazional se leaga de femei. Nu trebuie sa astepti sa fi avut experienta "relevanta" pentru a identifica modul in care te simti. 13.
The company's rules have even had the effect of silencing the press, as in 2010 when a large-scale removal of apps containing nudity impacted several mainstream German news publications.
We don't know if Apple is the sole reason for these new rules. tumblr also got banned this year in Indonesia because of pornography, for example, and may just want to make itself as non-controversial as possible. And it's notable that tumblr's new policy is largely in line with that of peers Facebook, Microsoft, and YouTube, all of which heavily restrict so-called "adult content.
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Te-ai uitat la reviste / fotografii pornografice? Te-ai uitat la reviste / fotografii pornografice? Te-ai uitat la un site pornografic? Te-ai uitat la un site pornografic? Ruleaza un site web pornografic sau tumblr? Ruleaza un site web pornografic sau tumblr? Ati vizionat un film pornografic de lunga durata?
Acesta este inca un exemplu de platforma care ignora continutul adultilor atunci cand ajuta platforma sa infloreasca, iar apoi sa-i lase pe acesti utilizatori sa se usuce atunci cand este timpul sa se prabuseasca pentru un castig monetar sau pentru
Pe langa faptul ca este un mod teribil de a va trata baza de utilizatori, interzicerea continutului pentru adulti pe tumblr va inabusi multa creativitate. Robert Yang, un designer de jocuri care a creat un joc cu un complot despre fotografiile scurse de pula, a spus pe placa de bord intr-un mesaj pe Twitter ca tumblr activarea modului sigur a fost un moment de cotitura pentru munca sa - si acum ca platforma il interzice cu totul, nu este clar ce se va intampla
In the summer of 2017, a debate flared up concerning single middle-aged women, disparagingly called "batik witches," pushing for a more generous immigration policy to be able to get access to more unaccompanied refugees as "boytoys" in order
The debate was intensified after Youtubers Videomannen and En Arg Blatte Talar (also known as Angry Foreigner) made a series of videos featuring copious numbers of middle-aged Swedish women posing with "refugee children," some of which appear to be in their thirties, in a suggestive manner. "What Sweden really has done here is the biggest import of gigolos in human history.
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